Effort, Discipline and Good Habits as Equestrians
Rider: Elena Armas | Co-owner @cavaliastables & Amateur Rider.
Pushing Yourself Outside of Your Comfort Zone: What You Learn from Mental Growth
There are many things about the sport that requires mental strength and determination - from getting out of your comfort zone to pushing yourself outside of your limits on a daily basis.
Back Pain Among Equestrians: Tips on Treatments and Prevention
There are different types of back pain, ways to prevent it, treat it, and general tips to feel better after each ride.
5 Steps to Building a Balanced Riding Routine
Balance is a word that gets thrown around quite often in the equestrian world. Balance between your horse and yourself, balance of strength and flexibility, or even balancing riding goals with family obligations.
7 Steps to Managing Your Mental Health as an Equestrian Athlete
The equestrian world can be demanding and high-pressure, where success is often equated with individual performance. This blog post will talk about some easy-to-follow strategies to help manage your mental health as an equestrian athlete.